Madagascar Import Available Now!

About Us & FAQ

Your satisfaction is prime for us. We don't just say it, we guarantee it!

Chameleons Canada prides itself on offering premium wild-caught reptiles from Madagascar.

We have built a strong network to make sure that we get the best quality animals and offer them for the lowest possible price.

10 years importing high-quality animals from Madagascar. When you are pre-ordering from us, your deposit is secure.

We do not finance our imports with your money. Your deposit is 100% refundable if we can’t get the species you ordered.

100% Clean record. Please check our clients’ feedback on our Facebook fan page!

Most of our stock comes from the wild unless is indicated as CB. As a part of being a responsible owner, we recommend regular Vet visits.

be careful what you wish for... Because we might get it for you!

For more than ten years Chameleons Canada has been seeding the top reptile breeders in Canada, from New Brunswick to British Columbia. Many of these renowned breeders in Canada are getting new bloodlines from Us. Are you ready to join the group? 


GTA & All across Canada

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Money back

If we can't get your order


Available 9-8 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Even though our animals arrive in excellent shape and the same as other pets in your household, a fecal test is suggested to check for possible parasites. These are not always present, and this practice should be part of the routine for any chameleon keeper. A fecal test should be run on any reptile collection, WC or CB every year.

Prices for Canada are in CAD. For the rest of the world, pricing is in USD.

All sales are final. Payment is refundable only if we cannot get what you ordered within 12 months.

Shipping in Canada is available to must of the country. We ship via ReptileExpress and Reptile Runner.

Yes. Due to the costs and paperwork involved in the process from the US authorities, the minimum order should be $2,000US plus export fees ($500US approx).

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Dear Friends,
As I mentioned over the weekend, we are ready for our next shipment. However, I have decided to move the date to April.
The reason: The shipment has to do a stop before coming to Canada; the place where it transfers has an embargo right now due to cold weather. So they are moving our date to mid-February. As you know, this has been a colder than usual winter for us; the temperatures for mid-February in Canada will be way below zero. So I’m not willing to take any risk. I know we are all excited and anxious, but we have to be mindful of what’s best and play it safe.
It will happen in April at the latest rain or shine, guaranteed. But, of course, as soon as the weather shows some mercy and we have temperatures above zero, we’ll move ahead, so we could be getting it in March if the temperatures are proper.
Even if we got them next week as planned, I wouldn’t be able to ship to most of you due to the low temps in your provinces.
Thank you for your support and understanding. I’m sure most of you will agree with me on my decision, and as always, it will be worth it.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me on FB chat, email or over the phone.